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This is where you will find all the forms and official documents that you'll need.
Activities Consent Form
Managing Medications Form
Adult Membership Form
Adult Garda Vetting Form
Under 18 Garda Vetting Consent Form
Hill Walking Advernture Skills
Log Book
The Scout Promise
On my honour I promise that I will do my best,
to do my duty to God,
[to further my understanding and acceptance of a Spiritual Reality,]
{to uphold our Scout Principles,}
to serve my community,
to help other people
and to live by the Scout Law.
Note: There are alternate versions of the Scout Promise, in which the second line is different. It is up to an individual to choose the one that best represents them.
Camping & Backwoods Advernture Skills Log Book
Scouting Ireland
Safety Statement &
Code of Good Practice
The Scout Law Friendly
Scouts are Kind
Scouts are Honest
Scouts can be Trusted
Scouts are Respectful
Scouts are Brave
Scouts are Loyal
Scouts seek out Justice for all
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