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Scout Meeting 2nd July 2015

Great weather tonight the Sun was splitting the stones all the day I think some of the Scouts must have gotten sunstroke because we only had seven turn up. Brendan was off enjoying his holidays so it was just Fiona, Ciaran & Alan.

We started off with a quick game of dodgeball outside and then moved indoors to do some more work on our emergencies. Ciaran had brought along some CPR Manikins and went through the basics of CPR with the Scouts and ran through the basic elements of a defibrillator and how it works. There were more things we intended to cover but some of the Scouts got a fit of the giggles so things took a bit longer than planned.

We finished up the meeting a bit early because we had a parents information meeting for Camp. While the leaders went through the information with the Parents the PL’s ran a game outside. I’m not sure exactly what you would call the game it involved, water with lemon juice squeezed into it, toffees and dried Weetabix.. it was like a game we played months and months ago and the general idea was the scouts lined up in teams and had to take turns running up to the table drinking water, eating toffees and dried Weetabix…… the result big mess on the ground and some very wet scouts but fun was had by all.

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