We were looking forward to watching the Germany V Poland match tonight at Scouts with our German Scouter Thomas. However, he decided that he just wouldn’t be able to cope with the stress of watching the match on his phone at scouts so he decided to stay home and watch it on German TV. I bet they don’t have anything like Giles and Dunphy Instead we had a guest scouter from the 87Th Dublin, a Polish Scout Group come to our meeting to see how we do things.
To show our Support for Germany though, we had the RTE Player on with the match on and some flags too. Thomas was most happy to get the messages of support from the meeting, even if the match was boring as can be and finished nil all.

o begin the meeting we had a quick game of Snatch the Bacon in the yard. And as we all know, A QUICK GAME IS A GOOD GAME.
This was followed by a Pioneering challenge. The scouts were split into the 3 patrols that they will be in on Summer camp. Some scouts who are not going on camp so they just joined in to make sure that they learn some lashings. The scouts grabbed a few poles for each patrol and some sisal from the bag. They then each had to come up with a small gadget using the poles that they had.
The Jaguars decided to make a low altar fire by tying lots of Square Lashings

The Raven patrol decided to make an Hour Glass Tower. It was quite ambitious considering they had never attempted one before.

The Cobra Ptrol were a bit Headless Chicken in their approach – not knowing what to do. They started off with a tripod from Selina and then they couldn’t agree what to make so it took a while to figure out.

But in the end they made this:

To finish off the meeting we went through the options for meals on camp and tried to get a menu put together. We used the white board in the hall. There was a lot of giddyness though and it proved difficult to get decisions made. It’s not a major issue, but it was very frustrating that the scouts were not respecting each other by listening and taking turn to speak. The menu didn’t get finished, but there is a good idea of what it will be.