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Summer Camp 2019 Day 1

Day 1 dawned and the sun was shining bright for #SummerCamp2019. The scouts and ventures gathered in Balbriggan Train station to take the train to Connolly where we were catching the train 🚂 to Roslare.

Unfortunately when we arrived the reservation that we had made was of little use as people rushed on ahead of us and then conductor refused to get them to move. Let’s just say that Seán and he exchanged pleasantries which ended up in a disgruntled Tweet being sent to Irish Rail. As the train emptied the scouts were moved and eventually we got everyone sitting together.

Fiona and Brendan were driving down with gear. Fiona arrived first and started to ferry the scouts from a train station to the site. When Brendan arrived shortly afterwards he drove to the nearest easiest to get to train station only to find that the scouts were not there. Very confused, he called Fiona to learn that they were at a different further away and more difficult to get to train station. No matter everyone got collected in the end.

The evening was spent pitching tents and hammocks (of course) and starting to get our tables built. We even managed to get our flagpole up.

It was all a bit frantic and manic as it always is at the start of any camp. At 10:30 we did flag down to symbolise the end of the day. Instructions for how camp will run were given out and everyone was told that lights out was at 11.

All in all, it was a successful if mostly uneventful day. Nobody needed any first aid and most of the scouts were snoozing by 11:30.

Look out for more updates with more photos over the coming days.

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