Beaver Summer Camp

22 Bremore Beavers went on summer camp to lovely sunny Larch Hill last weekend. We all had an action packed weekend -
Friday after drop off we were blown away by talent as the Bremore crew performed in our own Talent Show - with one members performance causing fireworks to erupt.

On Saturday the beavers ( accompanied by 2 cubs & leaders) woke at 5am and completed a 15km hike to Fairy Castle and Tibradden. At Fairy Castle (really a cairn) we met the scouts and ventures from 89th Bremore & and were presented with a sunrise hike badge by our Group Leader, Brendan.
When we returned to camp the activity didn't ease off with our camp being paid a visit from Kinsealy Exotic Animals. We got to cuddle rabbits, hissing cockroaches , hedgehogs, scorpions ( OK maybe no cuddles) lizards, birds & a giant stripy python. Everyone had a ball.
Later that evening, after a feast of Tacos with smores for dessert, we headed down to the campfire for a sing song with 500 other Beavers who were camping in Larch Hill as well. Everyone slept soundly that night and when we woke Sunday we had fun playing & packing in the glorious sun until we checked the camp using 'Leave No Trace' principals and went home to sleep.
What great Camp!!!!