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Scout Meeting 16th October 2014

Another great meeting tonight. We had another new member, James, join us for the evening and we hope that he enjoyed it enough to want to come back next week. After our opening ceremony we went straight into a game of Chairball with the Wolves being slaughtered by the Bear patrol 7 – 2.

Next Alan explained about Plan – Do – Review and we reviewed our hike from the weekend since we had already planned it and done it. Everyone really enjoyed the hike and a few lessons were learned

1. Doc Leaves get rid of Nettle Stings 2. Don’t drink anything that Jack makes 3. Never wear new shoes when you go on a hike 4. Don’t make girls angry because they will give you a dead arm 5. Pigtails look great on Adam 6. The simplest things make the best memories

While the scouts were sitting in their patrols Ciaran introduced the Scout Law and Promise, which all of the scouts need to know for the Investiture. He explained what they meant and why they are important. He also introduced the badge work program for Scouting Ireland, which is based on the Tom Crean adventure to the South Pole. The scouts didn’t realise it, but they have already completed some of the required work.

To break up the sitting around chatting part if the meeting, we gave the patrols a challenge to complete. Brendan produced a few straws and ping pong balls. The patrols were to get the ping pong ball from the PL to the APL passing the ball from one patrol member to the next only using the straws to touch the ball. After a few failed attempts the strategies were worked out and the race was on. It was very exciting and a close call, but in the end the Wolf Patrol completed the challenge first.

After the patrol ping pong challenge, we had a look at some of the badge designs the scouts had made. There were some good ones, but we felt that Ellie McDonald was the best. We suggested a few tweaks, but the design was what we all liked. We will bring Ellie’s tweaked design to the next Group Council meeting to see what leaders from other sections think.

We then went through our finalised version of the Charter. We all agreed on the wording and decided to take photos of everyone to add to it so that they can sign up. Fiona is to get it framed and hopefully we will have it for next week.

We also decided to have next weeks meeting at the beach so that we can have a campfire and go over fire safety in the run up to Halloween.

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