Merry Christmas 2014
To all of our Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Scouters (Leaders), Parents, & Families, Merry Christmas from 89th Dublin Bremore Scout Group. See...

Group Christmas Outing
For Our Christmas Party, the whole 89th Bremore Scout Group went bowling in Drogheda. It was organised by Sinead (a cub leader & Alan’s...

Scout Meeting 11th December
Tonight's meeting didn’t go as well as previous ones. Mostly due to the fact that the leaders didn’t have a firm plan in place, but also...

Scout Hike 6th December - Ardgillan
We had our second hike at the weekend. We were keeping it local so as to maximise our time and keep costs low. We met at the train...

Scout Meeting
We started our meeting as usual with a salute and by reciting our Charter. We then moved quickly to a game of STICKY HEAD . The scouts...