Scout Meeting

We started our meeting as usual with a salute and by reciting our Charter. We then moved quickly to a game of STICKY HEAD . The scouts sat in their partols and wrote the name of a famous person or character on a sticky note and gave it to the scout to their left. They then had to guess who they were by asking yes/no questions. If you got a yes, you got to ask another question. We had everyone from Cleopatra to Niall Horan to Spiderman. Some scouts got their answer very quickly, while others took a bit longer and some are probably still guessing.
Next we continued on with our Emergencies Badge and moved to level 2. Ciaran explained how to look after a person with a wound and how to make a sling from a tringular bandage or a Neckerchief. Jack was a great patient for him to demonstrate on. Then the scouts buddied up and tried to tie slings on each other. Some were very good and others needed a bit of help to get it right.
Before we finished off on the emegrencies, Ciaran demonstrated the Safe Airway / Recovery Position and explained why and when it would be used. The scouts will need to perform this to complete their stage 2 in the Emergencies badge.
During the week, Fiona had a brilliant idea of making a TIME CAPSULE. We asked the scouts to wrtite out their feeelings, thought, experiences of the Investiture last weekend to put in it. They will always be the first group of scouts invested into the 89th Dublin Bremore Scout Group and we thought it would be a great idea to try and capture their thoughs of the day to look back upon in 20 or 30 years time. Some of them might be leaders or even have their own children in the group by then. We hope to bury it or keep it somewhere safe in our new den, whenever it’s built.
Before we finished up we reminded everyone that we will be hiking on Saturday and asked them to manage themselves from packing their own bages to checking the weather for themselves. We also commented on how proud we were of them for their attitude and respect they showed to all on Sunday at the investiture.