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Scout Meeting

Another cold evening and tonight Brendan could not be with us, though I’ll bet he was a bit colder than we were. Alan decided that he was fed up (After only one week!!!!) of carrying gadget poles in and out of the car and enlisted the help of the Scouts. Isn't there something in the Scout Law about a Scout always being helpful…….

After the opening ceremony Fiona and Alan did a review of the hike on the 31st. Remember PLAN DO REVIEW! It was a great day and enjoyed by all, but on a serious note there were some people who didn’t have the proper gear and I think they learned a lesson from the day that the gear makes all the difference. The scouts were also reminded about the importance of listening to the leaders and that when we issue instructions it is usually for everyone’s safety thankfully there was only a minor incident on the hike but not listening could result in a bigger one some day!!

Ciaran did a brief Uniform inspection after that and made some suggestions to the Scouts, uniform inspection is an important part of Scouting and patrols will be able to get points from them in the future.

Next on to the opening game and tonight for the first time it was run by the PLs. Aoife was not able to be there on the night so Ella and Emma ran with it. The game was called ‘The Lightening Race’ and it took some explaining to get the message across, that was because of a mixture of some giddy Scouts and the game maybe being a tad over complicated for a short session. That said once they got into it everyone had fun and it was a learning experience for the PLs, well done guys!!

On to Pioneering practice next and this week Ciaran took the Ravens for Bamboo and Elastic, Fiona took Jaguar for Square Lashing and Alan took Cobra for Tripods, its great to see the Scouts getting stuck into Pioneering.

Ciaran then gave the Scouts a brief introduction to the Terra Nova badge and spoke about Special Interest badges, this as you can imagine raised a lot of questions.

On to the Patrols quiz next and Alan took the reigns as Quiz Master in Brendan’s absence and if you thought Brendan’s questions were ahem obscure……… The quiz was great Craic and seems to be a popular choice with the Scouts. Do you know in what year Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed Pompeii??? Or by any chance do you know Rihanna’s surname??? The results were as follows:

1. Cobra Patrol 13 Points 2. Jaguar Patrol 12 Points 3. Raven Patrol 10 Points

We then finished with the closing ceremony as usual

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