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Scout Meeting 27th March

Tonight we started with a game of Dodgeball – always a favourite. We played a few rounds because Dodgeball is a quick game. We changed it up slightly tin that we had teams on opposite sides of the room. When you were tagged, you moved to a bench on the other side. Your team could bring you back in by throwing a ball to you and you catching it. It’s great to play new versions of games as it keeps it different and engaging for the scouts.

Next we did a review of our Backwoods day in Turvey last Sunday. It is part of our PLAN, DO, REVIEW system that we use in scouts. Alan couldn’t attend on the day so he wanted to know what the scouts got up to and how they enjoyed it. There was a lot of input from the scouts who would like to spend more time learning the tool skills to work with knives, axes, and saws. It’s something that we will take on board.

To finish off the Backwoods Program, Ciaran went through what is in an Emergency Kit. It had everything from Water Purification tablets to pocket knives to a small first aid kit. He explained what each piece of equipment did and passed it around fro everyone to have a look and ask questions. The scouts were very interested and some of them are going to make their own survival kit.

To finish the meeting we had a music quiz. Brendan brought in his i-Pod and docking station and had a few pieces of music and some questions about them. There was everything from Stairway to Heaven to Bruno Mars to Tchaikovsky. It was a real eclectic mix. The Jaguar Patrol said they felt like they were in an 80’s pub quiz. I guess the music didn’t really suit them, but it was as varied as could be without being all about One Direction (which we PROUDLY know absolutely nothing about). The winners were the Raven Patrol. They are the true music aficionados.

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