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Scout Meeting

We were all very refreshed after taking a week off for Easter and it was clear to see that most of the scouts missed the exercise as they were… ahem… quite fired up to say the least. Maybe it was just so great to see all their mates again or maybe to see the leaders. Who knows???

We started the meeting outdoors because it was such a beautiful evening. The sun disappeared quickly behind the houses and it cooled down a lot so we got the games going as soon as possible. Alan couldn’t make it tonight due to work commitments but we had previously decided that the PLs would run the first game. We just forgot to tell them about it. Oops!!! However, they took on the challenge and ransacked the games box and came up with a great relay game. Each patrol lined up and had to send one member to a point a few metres ahead. They threw a tennis ball back to the first scout in the patrol. If they caught it cleanly, they sat down and threw the ball back. The ball was then thrown to the next patrol member and so on. The first Patrol to have everyone sitting were the winners. We played a few rounds moving the throwing point back a few more meters every time.

At our Patrol Leaders Council a few weeks back we decided to advance our Air Skills badge to Stage 2 as it could be done quite easily. At the last meeting Ciaran had asked everyone to bring materials for making a parachute. Only Anthony had remembered. Ciaran went over aspects of airport safety where it was decided that just because you are a scout does not mean that your not a crazy personso scouts can’t carry knives on planes. There were other aspect of airport safety too, like don’t run on the luggage carousel, but we moved on quickly. While Ciaran was going over the aspects of safety, Brendan and Fiona prepared the materials needed to make parachutes i.e. plastic bags and some string. Each scout made a parachute and we had a competition to see who’s was the best.

Raven Patrol Jaguar Patrol Cobra Patrol

Next we pulled everyone in for a review of the Shield Camp that the PLs & APLs were on. We got to hear what they though of the camp and the standards they saw. What they liked about it and what they didn’t. It is very important to review these activities so that we can learn from them and make improvements as we go along. It is always a work in progress. We also discussed participating in the Darkness into Light event in Skerries on 9th May as marshals. The event organisers have asked for local scout groups to help them out. Some of the scouts were very interested. The scouts are to check it out with their parents and let us know next week as it means an all night activity. We also discussed Summer Camp and asked everyone to confirm if they will be attending or not by paying a deposit by next week. Some parents paid before the meeting started which was great to see.

We finished off the meeting with a game of Bulldogs outside. It was a great bit of energy release and Caitlin and Sophie were the surprise winners. Well done to them. Before we left Brendan told the scouts about a new App that the group is rolling out to help with our communications. He asked everyone to download it and asked for parents to download it too. It will be part of our Leave No Trace policy and help 89th Bremore to go green. The app is called Tiqbiz. Get it now.

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