Scouts Go Ice Skating
For our Christmas outing this year, we decided to go Ice Skating in Swords. The cubs had been on Tuesday night and so gave us the low down. They had reported that it was a scrum at the start to get the right size boots and get on the ice. With his in mind, we decided to meet half an hour before out allotted time to make sure that we had enough time to get ready. There was another scout group and a Girl Guide group there for the same time too as well as other randomers. It was going to be a busy night on the ice.
In fact there was such a big crowd that our session started about 10 minutes late, but we were told that it would be made up at the end. We were given instructions to travel around in an anti clockwise fashion and told not to bump into other people if it could be avoided. Then we were let loose. Some of the scouts were really good skaters. Some were not. Some started flying around. Some started by holding on to the rails. Ice Skating is not a natural thing for Irish people to do, which was clearly evident from the amount of flailing arms and loss of balance from most of the skaters at the start of the session. Even the kids penguins couldn’t help some!!!

After a while, most of us go the hang of it and challenges were thrown out. “Race you around” was one of the most common as the scouts sought to take on the leaders. The scouts had an unfair advantage in that they had
A lower centre of gravity
No fear of falling
Lower awareness of others around them

We all had a great time on the ice and there were a few sore legs from wearing the boots and using muscles in unfamiliar ways. It was a really enjoyable activity and there were plenty of smiles from everyone.
The best skater on the night got to choose where we went for food after. Ciaran was voted best and he decided we were going to Eddie Rockets. YUM YUM. The staff looked terrified when they saw us coming. There were 25 scouts and 4 scouters after all, but they did find places for us all. Fiona took the orders and everyone got what they wanted.
After the food, we had a quick PLC to let the PLs and APLs know what the scouters had planned program wise for the start of the new year and to let them know that they had to plan the games for the meetings. They were also asked to plan a one night Hostel trip to Glendalough for 12th Frebruary and to come back to the scouters in
the new year with a plan.
All of the scouts and scouters were presented with a small Christmas present of a Scout Pin for their uniforms from the Group. The Cubs and Beavers received them at their Christmas meetings too.
We were joined in Eddie Rockets by on of the Cub leaders, Dimi, who was looking for a lift home after working in Swords for the day.
So that is it for 89th Bremore in 2015. Here’s looking forward to another great year in 2016.
MERRY CHRISTMAS from us all.