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Scout Meeting 31st March

We took break last week for the Eater Holidays as a lot of the scouts were away with their families. However, we were back with a bang tonight.

After our opening Brendan had a patrol challenge. Each patrol had to make a line of all their members in a press-up position, but with their feet on the shoulders of the person behind them instead of on the floor. It was an interesting challenge and each patrol eventually managed it with a bit of encouragement.

Brendan took the members of the Shield team who were present outside to practice pitching their Icelandic tent. Again it was a race against time as the light was fading.

Meanwhile, inside, there was a review of the Sunrise camp and St. Patrick’s Day Parade as well as the previous program cycle with Fiona, Alan, and Thomas. It was suggested by the scouts that they focus on one single Adventure Skills badge for the next program cycle. They wanted to work on Emergencies.

Following the review, Alan took the PLs and APLs for a PLC (Patrol Leaders Council) to discuss any items arising from the scouts and to plan out how the work on the Emergencies would go. In the hall, Brendan had a new challenge for the scouts. They had to pair up and back to back, try to use each other to get standing in their pairs. When they accomplished it, they had to try in groups of 4 and so on until they were all in one big group trying to stand up at the same time. As you can see from the images below, they weren’t very successful.

The meeting ended with a reminder to everyone to bring deposits for Summer Camp next week. We need to start planning for it.

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