Scout Meeting 28th April 2016

Tonight’s meeting started about 8 minutes late. The leaders decided to wait until the scouts were quiet in their patrols before starting. Fiona F couldn’t make it tonight so Fiona L from the Beaver team joined us. The Raven patrol organised the first game and it was Chairball played outside. Even though we have played this game a number of times, some scouts could not figure out the rules or even the premis of the game. You have to pass the ball to your own goalie to score. Due to the very inclement weather lately the ground was quite slippy so there were 1 or 2 spectacular falls. No major injuries though.
When we came back inside, we split into our groups for Emergencies Badgework. Fiona and Thomas and the PLs / APLs who already have Stage 3 took the stage 1/2 group and covered bandages and slings. Brendan and Alan took the stage 3 group again and recapped all of Stage 1, 2, & 3. It was fast and furious, but they managed to get through it in time. Everyone got to practice their slings and CPR again too, which was great. It really helped to re-enforce the work done previously. Check out a video by Thomas here
When we had finished the badgework, the PLs and APLs went with Alan and Thomas to start planning some scenarios for our emergency training. The scouts will have to put into practice all that they have learned so far in teams when they have to deal with an emergency situation with multiple casualties. We hope to do this in about 2 weeks time.
While they were planning all kinds of situations, Brendan and Fiona ran a couple of games and challenges for the scouts to close out the meeting. It seems that Sophie is the most popular scout as everyone wanted to be in her group for one of the games even though it was Roisin’s birthday.
We were late finishing the meeting as there were a few notices to give out. Firstly, we are participating in the Darkness into Light next Saturday morning in Skerries and we wanted to make sure that all scouts were aware of this. We will also be participating in a colour party for a parade as part of the #1916 Celebrations in Balbriggan on Sunday 8th May after midday mass. As part of our commitment to the local community and in order to help keep our profile high in the area, all of the scouts were asked to come along in uniform to help celebrate.
It was actually a very good meeting despite the late start and finish and it flew by. We were too busy to take photos. We’re looking forward to next week when we expect to have something different for the scouts.