The weather had been fabulous all week, which was great, because we were planning on

practising pitching our tents tonight in preparation for Summer Camp next month. First of all though we started with a game of Dodge Ball. For this variant of the game, both Alan and Brendan were on and had to simply tag each of the scouts with a football. I say simply, but neither of these gentlemen are a spritely as they were in their youth and so the game did take a few minutes longer than anticipated. Selina (Ninja Cat) was the eventual winner.
Following the game, there was a roll call and Brendan went through the plans for the next few

weeks leading up to camp. Straight after we broke into 3 patrols and grabbed the tents for pitching. There was 1 x Icelandic, which the Cobra Patrol were pitching, 2 x Vango Tunnel Tents, which the Wolf patrol were pitching, and 2 x Vango dome tents, which the combined Jaguar and Raven patrols were ptiching.
Some of the more experienced scouts took the lead and explained how to picth the tents. The leaders stood by and gave a few pointers every so often, but it was great to see the scouts learning from each other and working in teams.The Wolf Patrol and Jaguar/Raven swapped over when they had completed the pitching of their tents so that they could practice pitching different styles of tent.