Venture Camp Day 4
I’m sure you’re all dying to know who the Grumpy😡 Hat went to today. It’s probably the only reason you’re reading this blog. Well I’ll keep you in suspense a little while longer.
So breakfast took a while this morning. French Toast. Not ideal to cook on Trangia type stoves especially when you have 8 hungry scouts and you can only cook 1 at a time. However what helps speed things up is using all the trangias and the gas stove instead of just 2 of them. I guess every day’s a school day 🙄
The main action of the day was in the water. Brendan spoke with one of his old instructors and arranged 🏄♂️ 🏄♀️ for us with the best surf company in Mayo. Amuigh le Thomás

We donned our fabulous wetsuits and spent a few mins searching the buckets for matching booties. Tom, the surf rental dude gave us a quick once over and away we went. We spent the next 2 hours doing our best to catch the 🌊. It was brilliant. Jade wanted us to tell you all that she “almost” got standing.

There will be more video to come, but for now, you’ll have to make do with photos.
Mary, Ciaran, and Aisling didn’t go surfing so they prepped lunch for us, which was a lovely warming bowl of soup. We milled into it.
After lunch, our super sub arrived. Aoife joined us fur the last few days of camp and there was great excitement - she brought cake and of course there needed to be a review.

After the surfing we were all a bit wrecked so there was some down time in the games room. I’ve never seen pool 🎱 played so badly in my life. How can you get to 16 years of age and not know how to play pool? Crazy.

Late afternoon we headed for the beach to dig a few circles. The idea was to create a seating area around a 🔥 for the night. We started digging and digging and then we dug some more. Emma was amazing. She did it nearly completely single handedly. I’ve never seen anyone work so hard.

It was a joy to watch.

Dinner was BBQ burgers and spuds. Again it was lovely. The food (especially the dinners) have been so good on this camp.

We headed back down to the beach and Adam (our twisted Firestarter) got the 🔥 going as he does so well. We chilled for a while and had the LOLs.

It was windy and unfortunately the rain arrived and then got a lot heavier and we decided to call it quits. Pity.

Instead so we hung out in the Games room a bit more where Jess, who never played pool before managed to beat Ciaran 😂😂😂😂
As we left the games room we were told to expect the wind to pick up significantly from 6am. 💨 💨 💨 At least we knew in advance.
Now that you’ve read it all, I’ll let you know that it was the one and only Jess who was wearing the Grumpy Hat all day today. She was looking for a Shout Out as she’s rapidly becoming a big fan of the blog. Let’s see who’ll have it on tomorrow 🤔