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Cubs Move to Scouts in Link Ceremony

Tonight was the first meeting of the new year for the cubs, but it was also the last cub meeting for some of the cubs who are moving to scouts.

Some of them had been in cubs since the group started 4 years ago so they were both very eager to move up, but also very sad to be leaving after being in the section for so long. I guess you’d call it bitter sweet.

Michelle, the cub Section Leader, welcomed the parents and scout Section scouters to the meeting. She explained how she and the rest of the cub team would miss the fun and experience that this group brought. She thanked them for making her time in cubs so memorable.

Our new Group Leader, Mary, said a few words to let the cubs know that they are moving to a fantastic new section with loads going on already. She reminded the remaining cubs to respect each other and have fun too.

Michelle then asked the newly appointed sixers and seconders to fall in and the cubs move long up to fall in behind them.

Next the scout section scouters were brought up to receive them. The section leader, Catherine, said a few words about how she had known some of them from a preolife as a Beaver Scouter and how their friends who had moved up last year were e

Really looking forward to welcoming them into scouts. The sixers then introduced the new scouts to heir new scouters Fiona, Dimi (who also moved from cubs), and Catherine.

It was a great way to say goodby and hello in the same moment. There were hugs and squeezes for everyone.

It’s always a proud moment for young people in any any section to complete one part of their personal journey in scouting and can be a bit daunting to move on, but we know this group will be brilliant and settle in really quickly. He scouts had better watch out.

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