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Scout Meeting 6th November

Another great meeting again tonight. We had two new girls come down and join us. They are both called Ciara and are very welcome. We tried out our new Opening Ceremony by saluting the Flag and reciting the Group Charter that we all came up with. It was a bit disjointed, but will come together after a few more attempts.

Ciaran took the PLs & APLs for a quick debrief after their training weekend while the rest of the scouts got stuck into a game of Crab Football. When everyone was back in the room, Fiona then got everyone to initial under their photo on the Group Charter to say that they had actually signed up to it.

Scouting Ireland has developed a plan for all members to use to grow as individuals. It is called SPICES. The SPICES are

Social Physical Intelectual Character Emotional Spiritual and the logo for the SPICES is below.

Fiona read through what each SPICE meant and how it might apply to the scouts in their activities. We then had a group exercise. A card with each SPICE was put up on the walls around the room. The group was given an activity and they had to decide which of the SPICES they felt met the criteria. For example the first activity was hiking up Croagh Patrick. Some scouts said that for them it would be a physical event. Other said because it its a Holy mountain, it would be Spiritual. Others said that getting to the top would help build character and others said it would be a Social thing to do with their friends. So we could see that one activity can help develop us all in different ways.

Next the Patrols went into Patrol Corners where they arranged a Partol Meeting outside of scouts on a Thursday night. The idea is for the scouts to start to work together and gel as a small team so that they will be able to do so better when they are on group activities. At their patrol meeting they were to review and learn the Scout Promise for our Investiture at the end of the month. They were also to research the history of scouting and learn about the scout handshake, salute, and motto.

While Patrol Corners was going on, Alan ran KIMs Game with one patrol at a time. The idea is to try to remember as many objects on a table by looking at them for 1 minute as a group and then writing down what you remembered. Each patrol took a slightly different approach to it but all did really well. Alan went through the list of all 29 items at the end with all the patrols togther and Brendan, Fiona, & Ciaran ticked them off the list each patrol had written. The Jaguar patrol got the most with 15. Well done guys. A big Thumbs up for you.

We finished the meeting with a quick game of Snatch the Bacon. It was another great meeting and everything is starting to come together nicely. We are begining to find our own rhythm.

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