Scout Meeting 27th November
This was our final meeting before the Group Investiture on Sunday. Most of the scouts came down an hour early to help with the rehearsal for the event. The Beavers and Cubs were there too along with the most of the leaders, County Commissioner, County Chairman, and Provincial Support Officer. With so many people to organise it took a while. The scouts used the time well and practiced their yell. Somehow Ellie decided that she should lead it and so she did. She’s better than Brendan anyway.
With all the activity and comings and goings, our meeting started a bit late. Unfortunately Fiona could not stay, but we had orgainsed some guests to help us out. More on that in a minute. We had asked the scouts to come down to the meeting in uniform so that we could make sure they had everything they needed. They didn’t dissapoint. They all looked great.
After our opening ceremony and charter chant we split into two teams for a game of “Basher Hoc”. Everyone was given a number on each side. When their number was called, the scouts had to run out and use the Bashers (rolled up foam mats) to bash a ball to the other teams goal. It worked really well and will be rolled out again for a quick game in future.
During the game, our guests arrived. They were the local Community Gradai, Kate and Dave. We had invited them down to our scout meeting to meet with the scouts and to talk with them about Cyber Bullying. Kate and Dave were very friendly and approachable and showed the scouts a video about cyber bullying. We then had a discussion about the video and about the topic in general. Everyone had questions to ask and information to give. It is a very serious topic for young people, and we know that the scouts are better informed now if they ever have an experience with any kind of bullying. We would fully recommend everyone to engage with their local supports be it Gardai, Scout Leaders, Teachers, Parents or whoever to inform yourselves about this topic.

Because the visit from Kate & Dave was so engaging, we didn’t have much time for any of the other activities we had planned. We did, however, start the first ever 89th Bremore Annual Scout Quiz. It didn’t have an official name until just now when I typed it, but now it does. There might even be a trophy or plaque or something. I’m getting carried away with myself now…… Anyway, quiz questions get asked to patrols, the PL answers after consultation. If the wrong answer is given, the question gets passed to the next patrol for less points and so on until each patrol has given an incorrect or correct answer. The Cobra patrol emerged as the Brainyaks tonight with 13 points. The quiz will run throughout the year with points added on each time and the winners will be crowned on Annual Camp in the summer.

Next Post will have plenty of photos from our Investiture. We’re really looking forward to……. the cakes.