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Scout Meeting

The scout meeting started with us saying the charter, as per usual. When we were done we moved all the benches into a circle and did a review of the weekend camp in Larch Hill.

We talked about some funny things that happened, and some mistakes we made. After that, Ciaran talked with us about patrols and patrol spirit. We talked about what it means to be a patrol and teamwork.

Then, we were sent to our patrol corners to talk about the charter, and tell the new people what it means.

C courage

H honesty

A adventure

R respect

T teamwork

E environment

R laughter (backwards)

We talked about the charter together for the rest of the meeting. There was a lot of different opinions, such as whether we should add some new letters, or change some letters.

An opinion everyone agreed on was that the troop needed more respect. There was mixed opinions on whether we needed less laughter or not.

We ended the meeting and saluted the flag. After the meeting the Pl’s and Apl’s were called up to organise a skills course. It was arranged that on Monday at half six we would meet up to go over pioneering.

Adam - Jaguar Patrol

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