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Summer Camp 2019 Day 6

No morning run this morning as Brendan decided that everyone deserved a sleep in. Flag up was at 8:15. Most of the leaders were the ones least impressed by this and seemed to think it was a completely unreasonable time to be getting up. #MorningAnger Brendan was like:

We packed up quickly after breakfast and got our bags ready to head to Wexford town on the local bus. We made sure to be at the bus stop ion plenty of time and then waited and waited. We saw a bus come and turn off the main road 100m in front of us and head towards Roslare Strand. It didn't look like our bus and it didn't go to the stop we were told about, but after another while waiting, a call was put in and we discovered that it was actually our bus. It'd be another few hours before the next one so Brendan and Fiona headed back to get the cars. They arrived back with a mini bus that Fr. Dave was driving for the Venture Challenge that is also taking place in IOAC. All the scouts piled in to the bus and the cars and we were off. Fr. Dave to the Rescue

The scouts wanted to go to the Cinemae to see the new Spiderman movie. They grabbed a bite of lunch beforehand and the kind people at the Arc Cinema kindly gave them 4 free passes to help lower the cost. Thanks Guys. That was really super.

The leaders and ventures headed off to grab a bite of food themselves, do some shopping, and explore the town. So far we had only seen Tesco, Aldi, and Dealz on the outskirts. Wexford is a Viking town. The movie finished at 3:30, but by then the ventures were not feeling the love for Wexford town so they got on the bus and headed back to site. The scouts had a mozy around the shops and looked for something else to eat. They were given money earlier to pay for lunch, dinner and the cinema. Most of them made straight for the nearest chipper, but a couple of scouts with more discerning taste buds wanted something more substantial. Nothing wrong with a bit of fine dining on camp.

The bus home was at 5:30. We made tripple sure that we were in the correct place and in plenty of time to catch the bus. As a bonus, it was free to anyone under 18. WOOP WOOP.

As dinner was had while we were out for the day, there was no need to cook on site this evening. Instead, we gathered wood for a campfire and continued with the badminton competition. At the campfire, the two scout patrols were to perform a skit so they spent some time preparing that and making them up. At 8:30 it was time for the Great Scouts Vs Leaders Volleyball match. Adam from the Ventures joined the leaders so it was 7 Vs 14. Lets just say that having the superior numbers didn't help the scouts much at all.

At Flag down the ventures waded in to the auction as we didn't get to run it this morning. They had spotted what was on offer and decided that they wanted it. Unfortunately, the scouts had never heard of the concept of bidding somebody up and so let the prize, Half a Madeira cake, and so let it go for way under what they were prepared to pay for it. Learning economics on camp. It's not just scout skills that we teach you know.

The campfire started just as it was getting dark. Ellie May brought out her Ukelele and sang a few pop songs. We threw in a few traditional scout songs again, because, you know, we're scouts. The skits were well performed. There was Mollylocks and the 3 Norhsiders and Avengers Assemble. They were quite funny.

It was a cold night with no cloud cover so the scouts headed for bed to snuggle down into their sleeping bags. The fire was left to burn down and so ended the day.

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